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The Sights and Voices of Dispossession: The Fight for the Land and the Emerging Culture of the MST (The Movement of the Landless Rural Workers of Brazil)


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History: Marches, defining moments, congresses


Photo donated by the MST. Reproduced by permission.


Congresso. "Agrarian Reform: For a Brazil without Latifundium", mural by Brother Daniel and Elda Broilo for the Fourth National Congress, 2000.
Marking the 4th National Congress of the MST, held in 2000, this mural by Brother Daniel and Elda Broilo juxtaposes signs of human oppression -- hunger, weapons, the mass media, the I.M.F. and the U.S. government, the dollar -- with signs of human emancipation -- food, flowers, houses, books, schools, health clinics, the MST’s flag and the organizing principle of the Congress: "Agrarian Reform: For a Brazil without Latifundium."

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November 2002

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Mural Painting
Murals, conceived of and painted collectively, have become important as allegorical representations of the defining themes of state and national level congresses of the MST. They also draw upon and strengthen the symbols of the MST.
Else R P Vieira

See also: The Plastic Arts in the MST: Beauty as a Human Right


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Landless Voices hosted by the
School of Languages, Linguistics and Film
Queen Mary University Of London, UK

Project Director & Academic Editor: Else R P Vieira
Web Site Producer: John Walsh
Web Site created: January 2003
Last updated: July 5th 2016